Friday, June 12, 2009

Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited - Tender For Overhauling / servicing & Insitu repairing of various high pressure valves in Boiler Unit 3

Sub Company/ Department - N.A.
City - Tapi
State - Gujarat
Region Type - Indian
Option - Tender
Work Type - Contract
Tender Number - WT - 1699 RFQ No.:- 7006
Tender Detail - The detail terms and conditions can be seen in the original tender document.
Pre-Qualification Bid - No
Product Detail - Sealed tenders are invited for Overhauling / servicing & Insitu repairing of various high pressure valves in Boiler Unit 3,4&5 at Ukai TPS.
Product Location - Ukai - Gujarat
Project Time - 16 Day(s) Month(s)
Product Note - Security Deposit: (5% of contract Order value) .2 ½% to be paid in cash / D.D. remaining 2 ½% will be recovered from R.A. Bill
INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 01. Tender documents can be received from the Account Department after getting necessary approval from concerned departmental authority and payment of prescribed tender fee in cash only during office hours on working days. 02. Prescribed EMD will have to be paid by the tenderer, which will be accepted by crossed Demand Draft drawn on Bank of Baroda or SBI payable at Ukai. Tender submitted without EMD ARE liable to be rejected. All tenderer are strictly instructed that Xerox copy of M.R. No. of EMD to be sticked on tender cover without which it will be presumed that EMD is not paid and tender will not be considered/accepted. 03. The tender is to be submitted in two separate envelopes, one for Technical Bid & second for Price Bid duly offered in sealed super- subscribed with Tender Number, Name of Work, Due date of opening, Photocopy of M.R. of EMD shall be received by RPAD only. 04. Tenders received late after prescribed due date & time will not be accepted. Any alternation / modifications to the bids received after opening of the tender shall not be considered unless called for by the GSECL in negotiation. PRE – QUALIFICATION CONDITIONS FOR TECHNICAL BID 01. Tenderer should also certify that the tender submitted is unconditional tender and specifically remarks “Unconditional Tender” on cover it self. 02. For Technical Bid the Bidder will have to submit following documents. a. Past executed order copies of similar work carried out in GSECL, other State Electricity Board and NTPC etc. b. Experience certificate for similar type of work from GSECL, other State Electricity Board and NTPC etc. c. Copy of separate P. F. Code Number / PAN Number and receipt of EMD paid. d. Service Tax Registration Certificate. e. List of tools and tackles lying with them for carry out these type special work insitu. f. Schedule- A, Terms & Conditions duly signed on each page, deviation if any clearly be brought out. g. Evidence of having successfully carried out such work with required own tools & tackles satisfactorily at the thermal Power Station of SEBS,NTPC & Public Sector within last 04 (four) years period. The experience certificate with order copy & satisfactory work completion certificate from such organization where the work has been carried out by the bidder should be submitted. h. Solvency certificate of minimum 20% of estimated coat from any scheduled bank Technical Bid without above will not be qualified & liable for rejection. 03. Chief Engineer (G), Ukai TPS reserves the rights to either accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. 04. The offer without any of the above documents or non acceptance of any clause shall be liable for rejection. In this regard the decision of CE (G) Ukai TPS shall be final & binding.
Quantity - N.A. 0
Value - Rs.1,326,614.00
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) - Rs.13,270.00
Document Fees - Rs.1,000.00
Mode of Payment - Please refer tender document
Payment in Favour of - Please refer tender document
Tender Release Date - Please refer tender document
Document Sale From - Please refer tender document
Document Sale To - Please refer tender document
Submit Before - 18-06-2009 Time : Please refer tender document
Opening On - 18-06-2009 Time : Please refer tender document
Signed By - Chief Engineer
Address - Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd.,
Thermal Power Station,Ukai Dam -394680,
Phone : 02624 - 233231, 233244, Fax : 02624 - 233300 (O) 233315 (S), e-mail :,,,
Publication - Company Web Site
Tender Document -
Dated - 11-06-2009
Tendercity Ref. No. - 548758