Industry | - |
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Organization | - |
| |||||
Sub Company/ Department | - | N.A. | |||||
City | - | Gandhinagar | |||||
State | - | Gujarat | |||||
Region Type | - | Indian | |||||
Option | - | Tender | |||||
Work Type | - | Buy | |||||
Tender Number | - | 5/hsd/gnr | |||||
Tender Detail | - | The detail terms and conditions can be seen in the original tender document. | |||||
Pre-Qualification Bid | - | No | |||||
Product Detail | - | Sealed tenders are invited for Maintenance Operation of garden area all to various hort work under GNR dg 09-10 . SH: Supply & stacking of following insecticide & fungicides at site of work. | |||||
Product Location | - | Gandhinagar - Gujarat | |||||
Project Time | - | 1 Month(s) | |||||
Product Note | - | Opening of Tender Technical Bid --NA-- Commercial Bid 10-06-2009 15:30:00 ,Note : The above mention last issue date is the last receipt of application date. Last date of sale of tender document- 8.6.09 The Assistant Director of Horticulture Horticulture sub Division Cpwd Gandhinagar 380006 invites on behalf of President of India sealed iem rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of cpwd up to 3 pm on or before 10/6/09 for the following works as per the details given below The tender will opened at 3.30 pm on the same day dated 10.6.09 tenders of the contractors who do not deposit the EM along with applications are liable to be rejected EMD in the shape of Receipt Treasury Challan deposit at call receipt of a scheduled bank DD of a scheduled bank issued in favour of DDH HDM CPWD Mumbai 37 The conditions and tender forms can be had from this office up to 4 pm, on all working days on payment of Rs 165 (150+15) non refundable towards the cost of tender and EMD as mentioned also against the production of original documents such as registration certificates valid IT clearance certificate and work done certificate upto application for issue of tender forms and the completed tenders shall be received in the office of the cpwd Asst director hort , hort sub div CPWD Gandhinagar sector VI CPWD colony gandhinagar 380006 The requisition for tender forms can be accepted up to 5/6/09 4 pm in the office of Assistant Director Horticulture sub division cpwd Gandhi Nagar sector VI CPWD colony Gandhinagar 380006 Note Performance guarantee is to be submitted by the lowest tender 5% of tendered amount in the form of Bank guarantee or FDR from a nationalised scheduled Bank within 15 days of issue of letter of intent before award of work. | |||||
Value | - | Rs.81,000.00 | |||||
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | - | Rs.1,620.00 | |||||
Document Fees | - | Rs.165.00 | |||||
Mode of Payment | - | DD | |||||
Payment in Favour of | - | DDH HDM CPWD Mumbai | |||||
Tender Release Date | - | 28-05-2009 | |||||
Document Sale To | - | 05-06-2009 | |||||
Submit Before | - | 10-06-2009 Time : 1500 Hrs. | |||||
Opening On | - | 10-06-2009 | |||||
Signed By | - | Assistant Engineer | |||||
Address | - | Central Public Works Department , Horticulture Sub Division Sector-6, Staff Qtrs, Gandhinagar 382006, Gujarat India | |||||
Publication | - | Company Web Site | |||||
Dated | - | 29-05-2009 | |||||
Tendercity Ref. No. | - | 534033 |
Friday, May 29, 2009
Central Public Works Department - Tender For garden area all to various hort work under GNR dg 09-10 . SH: Supply & stacking of following insecticide
Plants and Horticulture Tenders