Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Road and Building Department - Tender For Labour Charges for laying different types of premix materials prepared from Chiloda Drum Mix Plant

Industry -
Labour and Manpower Product - Labour Work
Organization -
Road and Building Department - Gujarat
Sub Company/ Department - N.A.
City - Gandhinagar
State - Gujarat
Region Type - Indian
Option - Tender
Work Type - Contract
Tender Number - SK-3/ YEAR 2009-10
Tender Detail - The detail terms and conditions can be seen in the original tender document.
Pre-Qualification Bid - No
Product Detail - Sealed tenders are invited for Labour Charges for laying different types of premix materials prepared from Chiloda Drum Mix Plant to various road site in Gandhinagar Dist.
Product Location - Gandhinagar - Gujarat
Product Note - For additional details please refer the original tender document.
Value - Rs.6,697,000.00
Document Sale To - 18-06-2009
Submit Before - 19-06-2009
Opening On - 19-06-2009
Signed By - Executive Engineer
Address - Road & Building Dapartment,
Capital Project Division No. 3,Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan,Block No. 2,Ground Floor,
Gandhinagar - 382010,
Ph. 079-23259164 and web:
Publication - Times of India
Dated - 02-06-2009
Tendercity Ref. No. - 538457